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La Fondation ED logo by MarcomBIG

The deep ties MarcomBIG shares with La Fondation ED come from the very close relationship our two founders share. Indeed, Ms. Diarra started working as a volunteer with the nonprofit years ago and simply never stopped. La Fondation ED’s founder, Dr. Diallo quickly became a mentoring figure for Ms. Diarra and was the inspiration behind several of the services we offer. Through their interactions, MarcomBIG was born and keeps reaching for new heights. 

ED stationary by MarcomBIG
IG PNC Comic Strip by MarcomBIG

Our collaboration with the IG PNC stemmed from a compelling project: the production of a brochure aimed at raising awareness about police violence and potential solutions for the people of the DRC. Subsequently, our designer proposed a QR sticker and an informative infographic in the form of a comic strip, offering a more accessible way to disseminate the information. This suggestion was warmly embraced, and with the help of a skilled cartoon artist, it was printed and distributed to the public in A6 flyer format.

IG PNC Sticker by MarcomBIG
STL logo by MarcomBIG

The directors of STL were very irritated with our young graphic designer on their first meeting. she simply asked too many questions for a simple logo. They did not see the point and would have most likely refused to go any further if she had not asked for another meeting to complete “the endless questionnaire” together. But by the second page, they realized how crucial the document was for all their future visual projects and other aspects of their business. We began with just a logo 3 years ago and have been handling all their visual content and advertising solutions ever since.

STL stationary by MarcomBIG
Naturelle Ad by MarcomBIG

Naturelle is a small, locally crafted brand from Philadelphia, dedicated to creating affordable, natural household, health, and beauty products. This was MarcomBIG's first pro bono project, driven by our designer's genuine passion for their vision. Collaborating with Miss Mimi to establish the brand's visual identity, and subsequently developing the logo and label for their inaugural product launch, was a rewarding experience.

Naturelle logo by MarcomBIG


SOGUI-SAB logo by MarcomBIG
PROF'FORMA logo by MarcomBIG
JUNAGUI PNG logo by MarcomBIG
FOOD DE TOI logo by MarcomBIG

© 2024 by NatImagine.

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